Parable of the sprouting fig tree
M Mons. Vincenzo Paglia

Gospel (Lk 21,29-33) - At that time, Jesus told his disciples a parable: «Look at the fig tree and all the trees: when they already sprout, you understand yourselves, looking at them, that summer is now near. So also you: when you see these things happen, know that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I say to you: this generation will not pass away before everything happens. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."

The commentary on the Gospel by Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia

The Lucanian page is part of the last pericope of the eschatological discourse of the Gospel of Luke. And in a certain way it links us to the thoughts of Jesus for whom the "last days" are approaching. He is aware of it and prepares to live them to carry out the Father's will. And he does not fail to warn his disciples so that they too are aware of the times they have to face. We could say that in the complexity of this world of ours, torn apart by conflicts, wars, injustices, diseases, hunger and many other tragedies, Jesus also warns us not to let ourselves be overcome by fear and withdrawal into ourselves, with the consequence of resigning ourselves to the power of evil. Jesus came to save us from all slavery, even from resignation to evil. With his presence the new time of liberation from evil and the establishment of salvation began. He is the dawn of a new world: his life, his love, his miracles, his resurrection are those sprouts that manifest the new spring in the world. For this reason he exhorts his disciples: «Observe the fig tree and all the trees: when they already sprout, you understand yourselves, looking at them, that summer is now near. So also you: when you see these things happen, know that the kingdom of God is near." By reading the Gospel and contemplating the work of Jesus we know that a new world, that of Jesus, has already begun. And also looking at the many signs of love, perhaps as small as the sprouts, which are affirming themselves in our time, we already see in them the new future is present and operational, the one outlined by the Gospel, which Jesus continues to help mature and grow. Where love germinates, where forgiveness is manifested, where mercy grows, where dialogue is practiced and where peace is established. There are the sprouts of the kingdom of God there.