The family of Jesus
M Mons. Vincenzo Paglia

Gospel (Lk 8,19-21) - At that time, his mother and brothers went to visit Jesus, but they could not approach him because of the crowd. It was announced to him: "Your mother and your brothers are outside and wish to see you." But he replied: "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice."

The commentary on the Gospel by Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia

The evangelist Luke places this episode immediately after the parable of the Sower and the lamp that must shed light. And he doesn't do it by chance. In fact, he wants to underline the centrality of listening to the Word of God in the life of the Church and of every Christian community. Jesus' family is made up of those who listen to him and try to put his words into practice. We could say that it is an alternative family, not in the sense that it is opposed to blood ties, but that it places the one with Jesus at the foundation of all ties, which makes all the others firmer and stronger. Luke narrates that Jesus' family members remain "outside" compared to those who are "inside" listening to the master. It is obviously not just a spatial notation. There is a divide that divides those who are outside, that is, who do not listen, and those who are inside, who do listen. Jesus, alerted to the presence of his relatives, replies that his true family is made up of those who are inside, around him, to listen to him. To be part of this family, listening to the Gospel and the commitment to putting it into practice are required. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the example for everyone. She was the first to believe the Word of God communicated to her by the angel, as Luke recalls: «Behold the servant of the Lord: let it be done to me according to your word». There is therefore no contempt for family ties. On the contrary, Mary's presence shows that faith - the one she had for her son - enriches family ties. Elizabeth, knowing Mary's faith, pronounces over her the first beatitude of her Gospel: "Blessed is she who believed in the fulfillment of what the Lord told her."