Return of the disciples from the mission
M Mons. Vincenzo Paglia

Gospel (Mk 6,30-34) - At that time, the apostles gathered around Jesus and told him everything they had done and what they had taught. And he said to them, "Come apart, you alone, to a deserted place, and rest a little." In fact, there were many who came and went and didn't even have time to eat. Then they went in the boat to a deserted place, apart. But many saw them leaving and understood, and from all the cities they ran there on foot and preceded them. When he got out of the boat, he saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep that have no shepherd, and he began to teach them many things.

The commentary on the Gospel by Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia

The Apostles return to Jesus and tell him what they had done and taught. This image is beautiful and depicts the familiarity of the Apostles with Jesus and the joy of being able to tell him what had happened. The strength of the word of Jesus that changes, heals, saves from evil, needs moments spent with Jesus, otherwise it remains a fleeting enthusiasm. Sometimes the foundations are missing. The lifeblood that gives life to the action of Christians is missing. So we end up being dominated by the moment, by sensations, by success or failure. We get excited and then we get depressed or discouraged. For this reason, Jesus is not satisfied that things went well and says to his disciples: "Come apart, you alone, to a deserted place, and rest a little." That rest is the rest of listening and prayer. “Come apart” is Jesus' daily invitation to be with him. When Jesus "established" the Twelve, the group of Apostles, it is said that first they had to "stay with him". Being with Jesus is the first task of anyone called to be his disciple. Every initiative, even if beautiful, that is not based on listening and prayer, will not bring with it the strength that comes from being with Jesus. For this reason we must ask ourselves how much time of our days we spend with the Lord, in prayer , in meditation on the Word of God, before the Eucharist. The Church offers us many ways to "be with Jesus". Only those who are with him will have the bread necessary to feed the multitude of the needy in our world, otherwise they will remain powerless and without answers.