Gospel (Jn 1,35-42) - At that time, John was with two of his disciples and, fixing his gaze on Jesus as he passed by, said: "Behold the lamb of God!". And the two disciples, hearing him speak like this, followed Jesus. Jesus then turned and, seeing that they were following him, said: "What are you looking for?". They answered him: «Rabbi (which means teacher), where do you live?». He said to them, “Come and see.” So they went and saw where he lived, and they stayed with him that day; it was around four in the afternoon. One of the two who had heard John's words and followed him was Andrew, brother of Simon Peter. He met his brother Simon first, and said to him: «We have found the Messiah (which means the Christ)» and led him to Jesus. Jesus, fixing his gaze on him, said: «You are Simon, the son of John ; you will be called Cephas (which means Peter)".
The commentary on the Gospel by Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia
The story of Andrew and John is exemplary for all believers. When we open our hearts to the preaching of the Gospel, like those two disciples of the Baptist, we too are moved to move. We cannot remain still where we are, even if it were a blessed shore like the one on which the Baptist found himself. At the origin of the Christian experience there is always a word that touches the heart and that brings us out of our habits, our certainties, including religious ones. Thus begins an interior journey that leads to the knowledge of the mystery of love that God has revealed to us. The two disciples began to follow Jesus. It was probably not their intention to leave the Baptist. But the attraction aroused in them by the words of their teacher pushed them to know more, to know more about that young man from Nazareth. They walked a little way until Jesus turned and asked them: "What are you looking for?". They are the first words that Jesus pronounces in the fourth Gospel, but it is also the first question asked to anyone who approaches the Gospel: "What are you looking for?", "What do you expect?". The two disciples were surprised by that question and responded with another: "Rabbi, where are you staying?". And Jesus: «Come and see». It is a dialogue that appears almost abrupt, lapidary, punctuated only by two verbs, an invitation and a promise. Jesus proposes the experience of an encounter: "Come and you will see". Only then comes the choice. So the two “went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day; it was around four in the afternoon." Stopping at Jesus' house meant knowing him more intimately, enjoying his company directly, entering into communion with him and welcoming his loving plan to transform the world. The experience of that meeting changed the lives of Andrea and Giovanni forever. Anyone who has followed their example will also find their life changed.